Klaster Innowacyjna Medycyna

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USG in General Practice



Coordinated action of several companies – members of our Innovative Medicine Cluster has resulted in the unique method of training of ultrasonography for GPs.

Our school of ultrasonography runs from 17.09.2014. Courses are monthly and posses good reputation. Excellent devices are provided for our students by Medinco sp. z o.o. company.

For more details and news about courses and purchasing offer look into the official program’s website:
(polish only)


Bulletin about Logiq F6 device:

Special offer for graduates from our school coming soon.

Here you can apply for a place in our school:
Formularz zgłoszeniowy

Strona powstała w ramach realizacji zadania publicznego pod nazwą: “Rozwoj Klastra Innowacyjna Medycyna” finansowanego ze zródeł Samorządu Województwa Dolnośląskiego, umowa nr DG-G/2918/13 z dnia 13.09.2013.